Friday, 25 March 2011

Blue Bottle: Lucian Taylor & The Folk Suburb

The incantating Hill Of Dreams (Arthur Machen), in a 1920s edition with hand cut, and gold edged, pages.  I like gold & silver edged pages as much as the next man.

Taylor's little blue bottle (supplied, I presume, by the mysterious country doctor, Dr Burrows) inspired wanderings first transforming his petty country town into an ancient meditteranean port, and then, in a hellishly wintry naptha and gas lit London, making fantastic the joining and interconnecting of suburb and the country: the last 20 or 30 pages of madness, suburban roads and houses twisting in and out, interrupted by and into lanes, farms, weird trees and hollows: for sure the stuff of Folk Suburb's more outlandish broken fields.  And terrifying.  And some of the finest writing of meadowsweet and footpaths.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Witches Music: Trembling Bells 'The Constant Pageant'

Nine o'clock & my child drinking her bedtime milk calls down "can you turn that down - its giving me the creeps.  It's witches music."
This sound is awe making.  Music of the dark country and low lanes.
I give this long player 10 out of 5: 'tis musick.